News & Events

EVENTS | 7th August 2024

Workplace Health Promotion Workshop

On 7th August, from 9 am to 5 pm, a comprehensive Workplace Health Promotion (WHP) Workshop was successfully held, a programme by PERKESO in partnership with MSOSH Academy. The workshop was organised by the Safety, Health & Environment (SHE) team, in collaboration with KMI HQ Sports Club, and marked the start of an extensive 3-month coaching and assistance program. The initiative focused on the prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), aiming to promote wellness in workers across various work environments.

Extensive studies have demonstrated that such programs yield significant returns, enhancing the recruitment and retention of healthy employees, reducing absenteeism, and improving job performance and productivity. The program’s objectives were to increase awareness of the importance of healthy lifestyles, utilise the workplace as a medium for promoting individual health and wellbeing, provide guidelines on prevention and best practice implementation and enhance worker engagement towards creating a healthier workplace.

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